Education Offering Request Form

Timelines for submission are as follows:

Winter Term (Jan, Feb, March) Submission by November 1

Spring Term (April, May, June) Submission by February 1

Summer Term (July, Aug, Sept) Submission by April 1

Fall Term (Oct, Nov, Dec) Submission by August 1

If your offering is approved, we expect you to source and support filling up your class. This includes personal invitation, making an invite on a Sunday morning during the announcements of our Sunday Celebration Service, and engaging in at least 4 social media posts during the month prior to your event launch.

Upon approval, we will discuss what the pay splits look like. Factors include number of participants, length of offering, the need of a TA, and staff support. Follow up may be required pending review of this form. We reserve the right to ask for resubmission or decline requests.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.


Timelines for submission are as follows:

Winter Term (Jan, Feb, March) Submission by November 1

Spring Term (April, May, June) Submission by February 1

Summer Term (July, Aug, Sept) Submission by April 1

Fall Term (Oct, Nov, Dec) Submission by August 1

If your offering is approved, we expect you to source and support filling up your class. This includes personal invitation, making an invite on a Sunday morning during the announcements of our Sunday Celebration Service, and engaging in at least 4 social media posts during the month prior to your event launch.

Upon approval, we will discuss what the pay splits look like. Factors include number of participants, length of offering, the need of a TA, and staff support. Follow up may be required pending review of this form. We reserve the right to ask for resubmission or decline requests.